Top 10 List For Enhancing Your Kids Immune System Health:
Back to School Health & Immune Support
- Increasing your kids consumption of veggies and fruits will greatly enhance your children’s health and immunity. Vegetables are always a huge boost and the top fruits would be berries (blueberry, raspberry, blackberries are all outstanding!)
- Encourage hand washing before meals with good old fashion soap and water.
- Make sure your kids consume at least half their body weight (in ounces per day) of purified water. i.e. if you child weighs 50lbs…. have he/she drink at least 25oz of JUST water (nothing added to it)
- Get enough sleep. Most growing children need at least 8-10 hours of good sleep. (Essential oils such as lavender (used in a diffusor) can improve quality of sleep)
- No electronic devices at least 20-30 minutes prior to bed can also help.
- Make sure they are taking a well rounded, high-quality multi vitamin and mineral product. Here are a two we strongly recommend:
- Make sure they are taking a good probiotic. Here are two we strongly recommend:
- Make sure their Vitamin D3 levels are adequate. I generally recommend a liquid Vitamin D3 product – usually from a company like: Xymogen, Metagenics, Pure Encapsulations, Designs for Health, etc.
- Adequate levels of Vitamin C can be great at giving their immune system a good boost especially when used in combination with Vitamin D3.
- Additional immune stimulating combination products:
Back to school Immunity for your kids…..some of our favorites!!!