CLICK HERE OR CALL US AT 913-333-8798 TO FIND OUT ABOUT OUR FREE 15 MINUTE CONSULTATIONS Naturopathic Medicine Can Reset Your Health, Weight, and Energy in 2018 It is getting close to the start of a New Year and a LOT
Lower your Cholesterol & Triglycerides using a more Holistic Medicine approach! Did you know that exercise can help to lower your triglycerides and bad cholesterol (LDL) levels & at the same time… increase your good cholesterol (HDL) levels!!! Aim for
We are excited to announce the addition of select genetic testing markers to the urinary hormone profiles – Complete Hormones and Essential Estrogens – done thru Genova Diagnostics Laboratory. Assessment of these select genomic markers (also known as SNPs) in conjunction with
The healthy eating pyramid is a nutrition guide developed by the Harvard School of Public Health, suggesting quantities of each food category that a human should eat each day. The healthy eating pyramid is intended to provide a superior eating
Hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the leading causes of disability or death due to heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure in this country In most cases of hypertension, relaxation of blood vessels (vasodilation) is compromised; a condition that