A Naturopathic Doctor in Kansas City shares some ways you can reduce inflammation in your body
Doc Brown’s Daily Health Cocktails morning routine, hydration, coffee, nutrients, immunity!
Do you have hormonal issues? A Naturopathic Doctor’s video on hormonal balancing.
A Naturopathic Doctor’s Recommendations To Strengthen Your Immune System
15 Minute Workout, Simple Eating Plan, Breathing, Cold Showering = Healthy Weight Loss Healthy Life
CoQ10 and Astaxanthin – for athletic performance!
After a review of the literature as both an athlete and naturopathic physician, I am a HUGE fan of CoQ10 and astaxanthin. That said, the growing body of research supporting natural astaxanthin’s use in the world of athletic training is impressive. I speculate with time that we will see even more positive human studies for this exceptional nutrient in not only the athletic world but many other categories as well. Given the data on each of these powerhouse nutrients, one could argue that BOTH may be of benefit to include in a daily supplement regimen for training (and aging!) athletes.
Medical CBD – Finally, A Professional-Grade CBD product worthy of the hype

Work-Life Balance: A Millennial Counselor & Coach Shares Her Insight